(prompt "The AmigaMesaRTL/Window environment variable must be set to an output handler for windows.\nMost likely you want this to be DL1Plus or DL1")
(help @askdir-help)
(default #defwindowhandler)
(dest (tackon "ENV:" #windowenv))
(append (fileonly #windowhandler))
(dest (tackon "ENVARC:" #windowenv))
(append (fileonly #windowhandler))
;; Copy guide file
(if (exists "Help:english")
(set #helpdir "Help:english")
(if (exists "Help:")
(set #helpdir "Help:")
(set #helpdir
(prompt "Where do you want the BOGL Guide file?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default #boglblankdir)
(prompt "Copying guide file to " #helpdir)
(source "BOGL.guide")
(dest #helpdir)
;; Yay! We're done
(message "The blanker is in:\n" #boglblankdir "\nThe AmigaGuide file is in\n" #helpdir)
(message "Everything is now (probably) installed.\nYou should now edit the programme\n(" #boglprogramme script ")\nto suit your system before using BOGL,\n and set the preferences in Madhouse" (all))